Thursday, January 6, 2011

Uncertain and Uncharted Waters

I've never blogged before. Ever. In fact, I seem to remember a time when I would scoff at bloggers and their "behind the screen" sub-culture. I claimed that they weren't experiencing life, but rather, hiding behind text and fonts and an electronic hum.

Why the change? I love to write. I have a big box of journals that I've kept since I was in grade 1. As a little girl, I remember coming home from school every day, sitting down at my desk, and writing page upon page of hopes, dreams and any other notion that popped into my head. Now, I'm not such a little girl anymore. But I still have hopes, dreams and silly notions that scream to be written down. And while the love of writing has never left, the convenience of time has. So, that brings me to today, this very moment when I bridge the gap between pen and paper and typing and computer screen.

I can't promise you reams of interesting topics, scandalous gossip, or even well written material. However, I can promise you a little extra glimpse of me. goes nothing, or maybe, actually... something? We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to read those grade 1 journals :] I'm glad to see you're blogging! I look forward to keeping up with you here...

    -natalie g
