I have found that prayer can be one of the most daunting topics to approach amongst a Christian group. It seems that we get so caught up in the "rituals." Close your eyes, fold your hands, use lots of big words (like sanctification, redemption, justification etc...) to make you sound smart, etc...The most frightful thing about prayer can be the very notion of praying OUT LOUD. Or even worse, in front of people.
Consequently, J and I wanted to tackle this obstacle, allowing people to know the beauty of communicating with our Creator, without the list of "do's and don'ts" lingering above. So, we constructed an interactive prayer night where each individual spent time at 9 different stations. Ideally, it would be nice to do this all in one big room (similar to a prayer labyrinth) but instead, J and I sectioned off 9 of the Sunday school classrooms at the back of the church and people moved from room to room as they pleased.
At this station, we had the YACC-ers pray for our city. We had set out a large map of Kitchener Waterloo and around the map were pictures of different organizations within the city that helped the needy. (The Food Bank, ROOF, Ray of Hope etc..) The individual then read through Matthew 5:3-10, allowing God to impress on their heart the needs within our own city.
Here, the person meditated on Psalm 46:10 (Be still and know that I am God). We had instrumental music in the background, with all the lights turned out and only a few candles burning. This station was supposed to infuse peace, relaxation, knowing that God is in control.
At this particular station, we had laid out three different scrabble boards. The individual was to reflect upon the verse Isaiah 9:6. They were to think of words that they would use to describe God based upon His presence in their life. Whatever word(s) came to mind, the individual was to put on the scrabble board. As a result, the words connected (Scrabble style) as a symbol of how each individual has experiences of God to share with others.
Here, we encouraged people to confess their sins/struggles while living in a broken world. Two passages were given (1 John 1:8-9 and Psalm 32:3-6) to stimulate their hearts to confession. They then wrote down whatever they felt needed to be confessed, and then, shredded it in the paper shredder. This station was to be one of repentance, and yet, a place to feel God's mercy.
This station was composed of three mirror set on chair in different corners of the room. The young adult was invited to sit in front of this mirror to examine their reflection. They were encouraged to praise God for the amazing creation of themselves, realizing that they are 'fearfully and wonderfully made.' As well, they took time to ponder Proverbs 27:19, asking God to show them whether or not their lives were reflections of Christ or not.
Here, the individual was to think about how every prayer offered to God mixes with the prayers of all of God's people around the world. (They meditated on Matthew 18:20 and Ephesians 6:18) They were to consider how amazing it is to know that prayers do not know the boundaries of tie or space and so all become one! The person was then encouraged to think of a person, place or situation that they wanted to life up in prayer. When they were ready, they were to pour water from one of the pitchers into one of the bowls, watching as the water from other people's prayers mixed with their's - uniting as one.
At this station, the young adult focused on Matthew 11:28. Here, they were encouraged to write down their burdens that they wanted to give over to Christ. They then wrote the burdens on post-it notes and stuck them to the cross of Christ, as an act of freeing themselves from doubts, fears, obligations, worries etc...that were keeping them from proper communion with God.
This station was intended to sober the individual into realizing how fleeting their time here on earth truly is. They were to meditate on Psalm 39:4-6, asking God to show them ways that they could make the most of their time here on earth by bringing glory to Him. Thoughts of heaven and eternity (and where you will spend it) were encouraged. They were inspired to spend time in prayer, asking God to show them the importance of the time they have here on earth.
We had set up at this station a projector that showed different images of Christ through the ages. Some of them were quite interesting (pictures of Jesus made from bar codes) or quite intricate (pictures of Jesus painted from the Renaissance). People were encouraged to think about their own understanding of Jesus and their call as a disciple of Christ. They were to consider the images that affirmed their understanding of Jesus and the ones that challenged them. Ultimately, they were to focus on John 14:6, knowing that there is only one way to the Father - through Jesus Christ.
At the end of the evening, J and I felt that the interactive prayer night was a success. It was intended to be more of an experimental way to get acquainted with prayer. However, as a Christian, it is important to know that we are to be ready to pray in all situations...even in those more awkward situations. In fact, we are to pray continually (I Thessalonians 5:17)! But perhaps this night was used to open the eyes of someone to know how incredibly, beautifully simple communication with our Saviour can be!
Wow Jen, I thought this night was very well planned and that I really got a lot out of it. We should do it again sometime.